I have owned a indica xeta for the last 2 yrs (bought it in March 2006) from Pandit Auto in Pune. Over the last 2 years I have driven more than 15000 kms on it in Pune and more recently in and around bangalore. I am extremely satisfied with the car. When I wanted to buy a car (my first car) I test drove practically every car in the market (including the mid and top end ones ;) ).. What stuck me abt xeta was that it was as you may have heard a true "Value for money" car.
All the crap you hear abt Tatas not being able to have a good petrol engine is nonsense. The car gives me 11 - 12 average in bangalore traffic and 16 on the highway. I** once drove from Bangalore to wayanad and back and it gave me an average of 18!!!
*The amount of things you can pack in the car is simply mind boggling (i moved houses in Bangalore and was able to fold the back seat and move everything except the white goods (fridge, washing machine etc) in the back of my car in 3 trips flat.
Once I even loaded the back of my car with 1000 kgs of textured tiles for our new home and drove it across town and it did not give me any problems.
One more thing abt the car is - its sturdy .. one feels safe in the car ..
Tata motors has a great after sales service (I go to Manipal motors) and till date I have not had any issues with my baby ...
For anyone who is not very image conscious ("Tata makes trucks not cars" - kind of comments your friends may make) and wants the max bang for his buck ... Go in for a Xeta.
Deepak Joshi