This is my second review on my xeta. First one I wrote 1 and a half year before when my car was brand new. Now it is tested and tested in extreme conditions. I have taken my car from chennai to trivandrum and back, to coimbatore and back... etc), when it has ran around 800 kms continously, that too through very bad conditioned roads (road work was going on all along the stretch from chennai to nagarcoil that time). I got a stearing wobbling after that drive, which was rectified by the service centre during my second free service. They told that the problem was with the wheel alighment and they corrected it. This is the only problem I have faced in my car till now. Luckly I have never faced a starting trouble till date though I use to read in MS that many are facing such problems.
This is one of the best cars in this catagory for long drives. The safety feeling, comfort and space (both for luggage and persons) we enjoy in this car, I bet no other car in this catagory can offer. AC is really powerfull as it cools the car very fast even at peak summers. But this is done at the cost of the pick up of the car which becomes very low with AC on. This makes city driving difficult at times in midst of heavy traffic.Gear shift is another plus point of the car. It is really smooth compared to wagon R and alto.(I have not driven any other car).Thats all as far as positives are concerned (probably some more may be there.. nothing is coming to my mind right now :)).
\Talking about negatives.. No.1 is mileage.. No.2 mileage and No. 3 is...... yes... u guessed it right.. mileage once again.. I am getting 11 to 12 (only) in city and 14.9 in long drive.. this is with 80% approx. AC on. I dont know WagonR or santro’s mileage (definitely more than this only.. but how much??? I dont know).. but alto gives around 18 to 20 in long drives people say. I think the it is the heaviness of Xeta which is making our pocket lighter.
Response of Power steering is average. It is no were near those of suzuki cars.. (Do the car weight has to do anything on this?). As I already mentioned pick up with AC on is low and we will feel that during initial acceleration, over takings and city drives sometimes.. Otherwise its ok..
To sum up so far so good with my xeta. It has never made me stand helpless in the middle of the road , except in one or two occasions when I had tyre punctures. Free servicing done were satisfactory (moderately) till now. No major complaints except the milage and the steering wobbling issue. For the money we pay... I think we cannot ask for more. Anyway this is my view: Xeta may not be the best car in the segment, but it is the best value for money car in any segment.