Hi to all Xeta Owners,
My name is Badari. I am a resident of Bangalore. I want to purchase a car and I want some advise on this car. Initally I had shortlisted Swift, Wagon R and Zen Estilo but after looking at all these modesl I felt Swift is expensive(at 4.8 lakhs for VXI) Wagon R and Zen estilo very less leg room space for the back seaters. I visited TATA India at Prerana Motors, Bangalore I fell in love with this car. My usage of this car will be only on week ends or some long dirve once in 2 months and my usage will be very less. I have a couple of queries regarding this if some one can answer this I will be very grate ful
- What is the fuel effeciency of this car.
2. How is perfomance of the engine. I have seen couple of reviews which say that the engine is not tat responsive.
Considering the fact that this is TATAs first Petrol model is it worth going for it.
If I compare this with Hyundai Sanro which one is better.
How effective is the power steering.
If I can get this answers I wil be grate ful.
Thanks & Regards,