Well, after through mind boggling research for nearly two month , finally decided to go with Vista.
Reasons are many:
1) Space: amazing space, you have to sit inside the vehicle to feel it. I feel the rear sitting is just too good. My a 64 guy, I always have to push the front seat of the car a little to the rear to sit comfortably. I was always concerned that with front seat pushed, it will make life difficult for the rear passenger, but even after pushing the front seat back , there is a lot of leg room in the rear. It feels like a sofa in the rear seat.
2) Engine : Engine is actually very silent. As everybody is aware that tata are giving Fiats multijet engine with vista. When I discussed with the dealer about the engine, he told me couple of surprising facts which reader may like to comment if they are true. He told me vista s Fiat engine directly imported from Fiat whereas the same engine (DDIS) is actually manufactured by Suzuki under transfer of technology. Also the technology which Fiat gave to Suzuki for DDIS engine, and the one used in Vista is slightly different. You can say Vista s engine is multijet whereas swift engine is not ! Tatas have got better engine than swift off the Fiast stable.
Engine response : I didnt find the engine sluggish as usually is the case with diesels. Pickup is good. Easily touched 100 kms , car was very stable. Anyways, I am not going to drive at speeds exceeding this ( not a rally car driver!!)
Mileage: 19 -21 km per lts on highway . - pretty decent .
VFM: Everyone will agree its a value of money car with ample space, refined engine and lot s of features available only in high end cars. Vista come s fully loaded , so one has to spend lot less on accessories namely undercarriage anti rust coat, teflon coating, remote locking, mudflaps.
5.Interiors: A lot has been said about interiors , that they are plastic and of poor quality. I may agree to some extent after seeing the interiors on premium cars like honda city , fiat linea. But hey, if you want everything, it may not come at VFM price. Maruti Swift , doesnt give great interiors , if I have to compare vista with some other car. As far as I am concerned , interiors are ok!! ( I would like to pay more attention to road while driving rather than on interiors , anyways I m not going to spend my entire life in the car!!)
Have booked myself a vista quadrajet Aura. Promised lead time is 3 weeks.