Bought a Quadrajet Acqua last month - Driven 1150 Km - yet to service but feels it is quite OK though lacking the finesse usually associated with TATA. Considered Swift Desire :too long to wait; Ikon Deisel 1.3: not released. Checked out TATA impressed with Fiat engine and gear box ignored the shortcomings.
To avoid the 2 month wait for aura, opted the readily available acqua - royal blue.
Stated to like the color after few days but still not liked the dark interior. Put the seat cover of aura. Slightly better.
The driving feel was quite nice. Clutch releasing for the second gear was something to learn. Still struggling. Need to learn the moods of these microprocessor possessed cars. Often the speed seemed to be maintained for a while without pressing the pedal. The steering is oversensitive at high speeds. Felt not steady above 80Km. Lumbar support is poor. Extra cushioning and padding suggested for people with back problems.
The space is good for five persons. Taken few forgeiners for few rides. They seemed to like the car considering the price. An Ikon of an improving TATA standards but need to improve on small things which brings the total satisfaction. The interaction with the dealer was satisfactory.
14 Sep 2009:
After 10 months and 15000 Km I am very disappointed with the CAR and the service ! Some of the problems like noise from the engine and thick some emission etc were same after the service. There are innumerable minor problems. My car is still with the dealer service center KVR in Kannur after 3 weeks. After one week they have been telling me that the TATA is looking into the problem. Bad luck and poor choice I guess.