It is responsibility of TATA Motor and its Show rooms like Concord Motor, Daury Circle...I bought Indiva Vista with Fiet Engine in June 2012 and I am unhappy with my brand new Tata Indica Vista car.
Reasons are follow:
Finishing for plastic materials are pathetic
Rear seat is not good, when somebody sits on rear seat, its iron frame touches.
Concord Motor behaves like they are TATA Motor and they will not above error to TATA Motors and just give casual solution.
QC is not done properly at the time of Car delivery. within weeks of purchase, front left door hinge became loose and front left foot mattress was short. And inspite of complain to Concord Motor they did temporary solution and didnt change that mattress.
If a new buyer gets these kind of error whom I will promote Tata Motor. I told all my friend that I did mistake by going for TATA Motors.