Bought Vista Aura Safire on 25/06/2009 in Pune
Bought due to hearsay / net reports of good performance
Comparison with other makes at
AND because of TATA NAME
Fiat Engine and Gear Box
Hatchback with sedans space
Sturdy looks
Smooth engine
Good road control
Great power & pick up
Easy handling
Adjustable seats for more luggage
Dangerous blind spot at 45 degrees front right of driver
Slightly big body for jostling in heavy traffic
More economy of fuel needed
Stalling while changing to 2nd and 3rd gears for fraction of a second
Front seat belt pull out can be made more suitably angled & smoother
My Car
However the driving experience has been good in all kinds of terrain
Rains do not affect vision or road grip
Dealer supplied charger not working from 8th day itself
Dealer supplied remote lock siren causes nuisance at night
Dealer supplied F1 polish vanished after single rain
No rear fog light as advertised
Better options
So it is better to buy the "naked" vehicle from the dealers and get it "dressed"
up from outside. There are good accessories shops which know more than
the dealers and guide you properly(like Car Cupid in Pashan)
Do all your frills from outside as dealers charge exorbitantly under the garb
of "authenticity" as I learnt the hardway. Please understand that for extra fittings
anybody can give you the required "authenticity"
The shops are easier on formalities too.
My woes
In spite of all negatives it is still a good buy only if you buy it from a good dealer.
Any kind of problem or initial hiccups can be managed with dealers
co-operation, patience and good after sales service. But unfortunately
in my case dealer apathy kills my satisfaction. Whenever I call the executive
he sends an SMS that he is busy and will call later. That "later never comes
So obviously my dealers policy seems to beentice, sell and forget like
Hero Hondas slogan "Fill it, shut it & forget it" which was in the+ve sense
Only the poor sales representative tries to do some damage control.
Good buy, Great Car
Better than most hatchbacks on road
Tatas name kept intact
Fill tank for more economy as loss due to evaporation is less