I have booked my Vista saffire, terra version from bangalore.
I have chosen P White color.
After deciding to buy a vehicle in 4 to 4.5 lac range, I have compared all the vehicles starting from Maruti, Chevrolet and Hyundai and Tata.
Tata indica Vista became the obvious choice. After taken a ride in it, all other vehicles looked mach box like to me.
I have read many negative comments on Tata vehicles. But personally I felt its very good.
Space and comfort is second to none. Your entire family can take a very comfortable drive whether short distance or the long ones.
The AC and power steering is good and suspension is very good. There is no engine noise at all.
I have chosen Terra edition, so with a good music system this will ROCK!
Why to spend your extra hard earned money on something which is not worth of it?