I want to sell my existing Estilo and buy another car. I first visited Concord Tata Showroom for a Fiat palio test drive. My first impression, no body was really bothered to show me any cars. A girl approached me, I told her my requirement and she asked me to wait for 10 mins. No body was was bothered to attend to me, hence I started looking at Punto, Linea and vista. 15 min later sales person came in with a price list of palio. I asked for a 1.6 version, sales person told me model is stopped. I asked her for a palio diesel test drive, she said we do not have sir, but you can book the vehicle. I was amazed at her answer. Anyways sales person showed no interest in selling any cars to me, hence I walked out to a Hyundai showroom to see the accent. It is a amazing car for 6 lacs, stunning interiors and exteriors superb driving pleasure.
I have almost decided to go for it. I then went to a suzuki showroom, to see a swift or dzire. I think expensive compared to acccent. Swift base model is 5 lacs on road. Ritz looked like to bull to me from front and a bullockart from behind. Having analysed vista, Ritz, Swift - Ironically RITZ looks a good choice... :)) but of course not over accent.