I purchased Vista Quad Aura in September 2009. After one month, I noticed that beading on car roof has shrunk a bit. I lodged a complaint at Tata Motors complaint cell since it was clearly manufacturing defect. I had shown vehicle to dealer where beading was fixed with the glue. I observed in other Vistas (old and new) at showroom that all the Vistas had same problem as compared to older Indica.
I mailed the details of patch up work to the Tata Motors on 15 November. After long silence. I got a mail “closure letter”. This closure letter was for somebody else’s car. The matter remains un-resolved till August .
In March, again I noticed that beading has started coming out, which I used to fix with the hand. While driving from Lucknow to Delhi in March 2010, at first stop I noticed that both the rubber beadings of roof were missing. Apparently it had flown off somewhere in between. When I started in the morning it was there.
I took up matter with TATA Motors thru one of the dealer in Delhi on 30th March 2010.
After that there was complete silence and I drove my vehicle without roof beading till August.
I took up the matter with Ahmedabad TATA Motors office in August and finally it was resolved.
Vinay Singh