Truly a value for money product. BEWARE: VISTA IS SURE NOT A MANZA CLASS in comfort.
Second Best Worldclass Diesel Engine (FIAT-Build in S.A). Strong selling point is, cheap (overall)-Price, Quality, Service, Dealership, Ride Quality).
Check List:
Ride the car, feel the front suspension. Front suspension is hopeless in 1000 Kms, already feeling like condemned suspension.
Tires should be Bridgestone for smooth ride, else you can feel the road.
Check Doors lock in one shot, requires two-three times hard slapping.
Hard Power Steering, can be improved after first service.
Breaking, not that good, even in MANZA.
Lubricants- Replace MOBIL Synthetic Oil, instead of CASTROL or other kind. CASTROL makes more noise to engine. You wont enjoy the noice in such a car.But, Using CASTROL improves milege.Your choice.
No Milege calculator, Like MANZA, we need to calculate conventional way.
GO ABS, do see money, it is worth using ABS for TATA CARS, considering efficiency of brakes.
Head Lights are better than Manza.
Press-Clutch and start car, this is a new feature in INDICA VISTA Quadrajet.
MUltijet is more advanced than Quadrajet,
No locks in dashboard like Manza.
My Final recommendation:PLEASE GO FOR MANZA if you can invest 1.5 lack more.
15.Morotized rear view side mirrors, with little vibration, the mirrol falls down, . Even they tell you when you take the car.
16.If you want to buy VISTA, please call me 72000 13450 and hear my experience.
ABS sensors have issues in some cars, cannot be rectified.
Always go for extended warrenty. God knows when some parts will fail.
I TRULY REGRET SELLING MY MANZA Quadrajet, Year 2010 model. (30, 000kms) Compared to VISTA, MANZA is like riding TOYOTO CORALLA. Go for MANZA ABS, alloy wheel is not a must..your choice. MANZA is also value for money. less regrets.
Regards, Rajesh N, Chennai