My experience with tata indicom has been enlightening. A myth that private companies have better service support and more transparency was blasted off right away.
The day since I got it installed, it had been faltering. Its almost a 50% probability that every time I start my computer, that broadband will be working. I almost cross my fingers whenever I start computer, that god please, today it shud work. But it is destiny afterall. The line used to be down almost half the time.
I dont remember how many times I had complained for the line being down.
The most wierd part of this broadband is that you have to dial it like any other dial up connection unlike mtnl and others. So absolutely so guarantee that it will work when u want it.
I have some passion for stock trading, but 90% of the time, whenever I think I should trade online., the net is down. Its very very frustrating.
For the payment, you will never get a physical bill send to you. A mail will be sent to you on your tata indicom email (which I never used to check) and no other notification. A week before the due date, u will recieve a call on ur number that why havent you paid the bill. I told them to please mail it on my yahoo id which I check daily, but no action taken.
Now about the customer support at tata indicom. First u have to listen to long indicom music breathlesly, then the voice on other side listens to you patiently and assure you that problem will be solved. I must confess that their service support is not that bad, but if the complaints grow numerically, nothing can be consoled. The most common problem was that the wire got disconnected. I wonder why only my wire gets disconnected so often.
Many times I thought that I should remove the connection, but every time I requested them to remove it, they said give us one more chance. So I kept giving them chances, and they made it a habit.
As far as speed goes, it was never greater than 180kbps, much lower than the promised 256kbps. I had used mtnl earlier, and man it was great as compared to tata. Now I repent, why I changed the connection, even more since they slashed down the tariffs to half.
The final decision was that I told them firmly to remove the connection.I hop ethat wont take long.