This is Arnab - am a UNIX admin in an MNC in Bangalore. After my marriage (6 months back)i had to shift to a bigger house and unfortunately after I settled down I found NO other connection other than TATA (just a side note - that is exactly what TATA targets - providing connections at places where users dont have an alternative). I took 2Mbps 5 GB limit - after 27 phone calls the cables were installed in 52nd day. I didnt know what I was stepping into. The person showed me the speed was more than 1.6 Mbps - wow I was so happy
Next week the speed went down to 12kbps - that is in the month of June 07 and it has remained till 12kbps till the time the connection was active. I called the customer care 122 times in a span of 3 months and NO response - everytime the CC people told me "they will get back to you within 1/2 hr"
I could still live with that as I could still get my work done. In the month of August, I started seeing huuuuge downloads on my account
I called the CC immediately and told them about it. As usual no actions had been taken - the logs showed I downloaded 2 GB of data everyday - imagine - at a speed of 12kbps, when I was NOT at my home, TATA claims I download 2-3 GB data everyday?
They sent me a bill of 18500 and disconnected my connection
In short:From 14th august till yesterday I have made 122 calls and everyone said someone will come to your house and check it - the connection is still inactive, I have a pending bill of 18500, no one has got time to come to my house to check it for the last 62 days
DO NOT TAKE TATA - its a nightmare - I m now getting THREATNING CALLS FROM TATA to pay 18500 which I have not used. I have been to VSNL office in Bangalore too still no actions has been taken
Am going to put up a case against them if they keep on doing that
If anyone can help, please free to contact me at