I recommend anyone interested in broadband connection "NOT" to go for tata indicom broadband connection. Ever since I brought their post paid connection it has been a pain.
First and foremost they take a week to give you the connection. Once the connection is given then your problems start. Connection goes down on saturday.This is a common occurence. If you lodge a complaint the customer care guys will tell you tht they need 10 hours to resolve(and tht 10 hrs never finishes) and as the next day is a Sunday when they dont work the connection will be back only by late monday evening(not guaranteed though).
Talking to their customer care people is as good as talking to IVRS(interactive voice response service).
Their was no connection for 20 days straight and they didnt have a valid explanation for that.
I have been facing this connection problems on weekends ever since I brought it 2 months back. Effectively it was up only for 1 month .
I would definitely not recommend anyone to go for this pathetic connection.
I am going to disconnect it after four months period is completed.