Please dont even think about getting a connection from these jokers.
I have an average of 3-4 outages a week.
The call center is of no help - they have no idea of which ticket is closed when. they are like a bottomless pit. I never receive a call back from the call center or the engineer.
The only call I received is once to remind me for a bill payment - about 2 hours after I received the bill in my email.
They have been the only providers with no options in my area.(other than BSNL, who have not been able to fulfil demand and clear their ques).
PLAN: Im on EXPLORE-500 plan, free traffic allowed is 500 MB.
My usage is varied by volume(mostly because of downtime) but I have had instances where the billing is inaccurate(no. of hours sometimes is > 24 in a day). I have a router connection(for which I paid 9K upfront non-refundable in 2005).
PRICE: varies from Rs. 500 to Rs. 2000 (For example I paid 1740 for 1253 MB in a month)
cable cut(frequent - takes upto 3 days to fix)
server down(frequent - takes upto 4- 6 hours)
ups problem - this is every monday morning from 9AM-2 PM.(takes 2-3 hours)
Billing issue(Never fixed)
Router problem(some lousy brand called billion, they keep replacing it)
what a joke of a company this is. No competance, no talent and no good infrastructure. As soon as BSNL gives me a connection Im running like hell