TATA-VSNL has launched a Total Internet for all ISP package renewal incentive that is grossly unfair to existing, loyal, long-term staying customers of TATA-VSNL-Indicom!
The scheme is for every new subscriber and a renewal but only within the specified time period of July 25-Sep25, 2004. All renewals within this ime period of say 100Hrs will get another 100hrs free added
But about the customer who bought a package of 500 Hrs and is having that lasting thru this promotion window? No he gets nothing.
Its ironic that the customer who showed greater commitment to stay with the company by chosing the larger timeband package is not rewarded but newsubscriber and low users are!
The irony is that when VSNL was VSNL without TATAs takeover, similar promotion campaign was accompanied by corresponding credit of hours... ie, all existing customers as of the scheme closing date shall have their un-utilised hours doubled. Indeed, despite being a Govt organisation, even erstwhile VSNL was fair to its customers in its special promotional campaigns.
It is strange that the TATA group, a company known for good corporate governance and fair customer management practices indulges in such blatant mis-management of Customer Loyalty.
When this matter was brought to the notice of the greedy marketing department of new TATA-Indicom-VSNL, they replied that they cannot do anything about rewarding existing large hourslab (and hence long-staying loyal) accounts, as their marketing budget does not permit. This is truly unlike TATAs - cmon come up with a fair and just system to all your loyal account holders and offer if reqd 0.75 hr extra for every 1hr ordered; marketing effectiveness to attract new account will not be greatly eroded.
I invite all existing users of TATA-VSNL to vote with their feet, enmass, at the expiry of their hours after Sep 25, to get them to realise the unfairness & pay for the cost of mis-treating current clients.
Also an appeal to Senior management of TATAs to look into the ambitious marketing programme of TATA-Indicom that is blatantly unfair & unlike TATA norm!
Search engine aid: <head> Ratan Tata, JRD, TATA Sons, TCS, TATA Chemicals, TISCO, TELCO, Wireless Local Loop, WLL, Indicom, Chennai, Delhi, Bombay, Mumbai, Kolkata, Calcutta, telphone, internet, speed, dial up, modem...</head>