This has to be my first rant review in any website. The broadband speeds when on are awesome.
I had the 50hours plan and was downloading almost 3Gb/month without issues.
Airtel has no such plans, so technically if you want to d/l 3Gigs per month anywhere you are talking some lame plans at 256kbps in Airtel which will take you more than a month or no plans.
However since the last 8 months, my connection was down 15-20 days in a month. They dont even acknowledge the existence of complaints and line men are completely clueless they do patchwork and escape only to return later.
All in all it started as a positive story and ended in complete frustration.
Today someone rudely called to say they had to get the modem and I should be available at home tomorrow.
Goodbye Indicom your plans were good just that your execution was poor.