I have taken broad band prepade connection(64 kpbs unlimited) through TATA Indicom in 28th-aug-06. Till 5th-Sep-06 I used it. 6th-Sep it has been disconnected. I given a complaint on the same day. I got the connection back after 5 days. Once again after 2 days it has disconnected. I given an one more complaint. After 2 or 3 days later I got the connection back. This process is continued, I have given more than 15 complaints in a month. I have not used internet for more than 10 days for this month. Even I raised a complaint for validity of extention, that also not done. Now they are telling I will getting connection only if I rechared my account for this month.
Apart from all they have changed my Account details. (Application number, Login ID etc). If I called to customer care they are not getting my account details. Customer care peoples are keep on telling, with in 24 hours they will escalate the problems. But they will take more than 50 hours for any issues.
I will suggest you all, please do not go for this connection. Otherwise you will loosing money and time.
Kiran Ramesh