*First, I made the mistake of getting carried away by their advertisements on the Plug-2-Surf modem. The speed will make snails and tortoises cover up their faces in shame and the fact that the connection speed will also be indicated never less than 115 kbps will make evenBluffmasters blush. Thereafter, many sites will not open(self-imposed censor?) and the modem(though touted to work everywhere in India) will not work at most of the places.
But I hung on for two months in spite of receiving overinflated bills with lots of payments to be made over Value Added Services, which I had never even asked for.
Thereafter, I made the mistake of asking them for disconnection. The same month I had disconnected(January 2008), they sent me a 6 month advance rental payment bill. Incidentally, I had requested for this scheme when I had applied for the services. They conveniently forgot to implement this in the first two bills, but woke up when I had disconnected the service.
On phone, they had tersely told me to pay up, on which I asked them to reconnect the services then since I am having to pay rentals till June 2008. A sweet lady called up(er. I dont know, let me rephrase. a lady with a sweet voice) and assured me that it will be reconnected and I should pay the amount(Rs. 4019/-). After two days I received another call saying that I shall have to pay up but they wont reconnect the services, which was followed by an e-mail too.
Now, they want me to pay for rentals till June 2008, but wont provide the services since it is already disconnected. Great! Isnt it? Coming from a TATA Company?