I took Tata Indicom broadband in bangalore, and the mail reason behind was it is the only ISP who offers prepaid connection. But after 12 months, I am totally fed up with poor service and reliability.
Here are the list of pros and cons:
- Offers prepaid service. Advantage is, there is no loss for unused part - you can always carry over the balance to next month. In postpaid service, if you cross the specified limit, the ISP charges a heavy amount per MBs - goes to 1.20 to 1.40Rs per MB. Here all you need is just recharge and continue to use internet in as low as 0.75Rs per MB tariff.
Take a lot time for giving connection - took 7 days in my case. Airtel and other will give you in 2 days.
Still in nascent stage - dont have cover all around the city.
Terrific bad reliability - you really dont know where it will work today or not - you will screw up your life if you plan to work from home, or if you have any critical work to do.
Bad Bad service - no SLA like Airtel, Takes even 72 hours or more to. They will not call up you for knowing problem and they even close complaints without letting you know. After 2-3 days if you call up they will say the complaint was closed by saying " we have checked eveything from our end".
better to avoid.