MouthShut tried to take the following text off their website 7 times... I am back [yet again] because many of you did read it (550+ individuals) and many did like it because it was very helpful to them!
I simply ask: Why should you all not know the truth?In my fight with the ISP -- VSNL/ TATA-indicom -- I have escalated my issue(s) to the highest level now and look forward to an excellent cooperation from the media to help fight the cause for us consumers.
I have been the ISPs customer since February 15th, 2006. The following is a listing of the continuing faults, i.e. my allegations:
- Constant breaks in service, i.e. connectivity.
=> The line is down 10-30% of the time every month... it has been even up to 80% at times.
2. Constant fluctuation in bandwidth (down- & upload speeds).
=> I bought and pay in full for 256 kbps (256 kbps Infinity Post Paid) but only get 201 kbps (download) and 160 kbps (upload) speeds!
3. Low speeds that range from 10-100 kbps (kilobit per second) occur often.
=> Connections like this make browsing next to impossible... this happens often and is not called a break in service!
4. No credits for short and also prolonged lapses in service.
=> Despite all the breaks in service, drops in speed, lacking bandwidth, very little or no credits are given.
5. Incorrect and unprofessional billing.
=> If you get 6 different versions of printed bills with next to no credits for proven downtimes OR lapses in service, you can call it a fraud!
6. Long wait times to register complaints.
=> Wait times on a non toll-free number can be up to 12 minutes.
7. No toll-free number to register complaints at VSNL cost.
=> All calls are made at the consumers cost - and these amount to many calls a month!
8. Non-functional (also slow) web mail services.
=> The VSNL webmail services are a catastrophe!
9. Incapability to correct my address.
=> After over 17 months and 5 reminders there are still mistakes in the address!
10. The ISP is interrupting my business and hence influencing my lifes quality!
=> It is obvious that someone who is so dependant upon a functional and fast internet cannot do his work under the circumstances!
Some facts for you:
I have been a VSNL/ TATA-indicom customer since February 2006.
I have lodged 85+ official complaints (with unique complaint numbers!).
I have sent them 50+ eMails, reprimanding them.
I have been forced to spend more than 2, 100 minutes on the phone with them.
I have billed them for Rs 1.5+ lacs in expenses/ cost to me (increasing by the day!).
I have written to the VSNL CMD, Mr. Subodh Bhargava (5+ times).
I have written to the TRAI Chairman, Mr. Nripendra Misra (once!).
I have involved CNN-IBN to fight for me/ us.
I have filed an RTI application with the TRAI RTI Officer Mr. Jiwan Das (once!).
CNN-IBN has now handed in a DVD to VSNL with the allegations.
CNN-IBN filmed a sequence between 24.-28.08.2007 at my home office. This is damning content and evidence against VSNL/ TATA-indicom that will eventually be aired in a more compressed form!
All of the above has now happened, the ball has been set rolling!
*What is yet to happen:
TRAI owes me a response to the RTI application by October 2nd, at the very latest.
VSNL owes me a lot of money and umpteen responses.
TRAI must change some of the existing Laws on how an ISP is to function in its relationship to the customer.
Whatever comes of the above, CNN-IBN will be airing a 3 minute report on VSNL/ TATA-indicom later this month.
A talkshow on national television will further help escalate the issue and make an even larger public aware of the ISP fraud.
The awareness must ideally lead to a revolution of sorts, i.e. atleast help more individuals stand up and fight for their rights, demanding fair treatment.
All of you, please keep collecting facts, write things down, record conversations... let us all help each other fight the evils of such corporates that -- on a daily basis -- are cheating the customer left, right and centre. I practice what I preach and have already collected all of the above information and continue to do so on a daily basis. The battle might end up in court, so we must be prepared.
Take your own battle to them and "bcc" me on your correspondence(s) if you like. Dont forget: if you release the pressure on the ISP (Internet Service Provider) nothing will [ever] change!!
For all of you that are interested to know, here are the key persons involved, that even you could be contacting:
Mr. Subodh Bhargava
VSNL - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (TATA-indicom)
Bangla Sahib Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Home Phone: +91-124-5063146
Mr. R. K. Khushu
VSNL - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (TATA-indicom)
Bangla Sahib Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Office Phone: +91-11-23747319
Ms. Mamta Jain
Customer Assurance Head
VSNL HQ - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (TATA-indicom)
M. G. Road, Fort
Mumbai - 400 001
Office Phone: +91-22-66101240
Mr. Nripendra Sharma
TRAI - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg (Old Minto Road)
New Delhi - 110 002
Office Phone #1: +91-11-23211236
Office Phone #2: +91-11-23213409
eMail #1:
eMail #2:
Mr. Jiwan Dass
RTI Officer/ Chief Public Information Officer
TRAI - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg (Old Minto Road)
New Delhi - 110 002
Office Phone: +91-11-23211622
Take your own battle to them and copy me on your correspondence(s) if you like. Dont forget: if you release the pressure on the ISP (Internet Service Provider) nothing will [ever] change.
A great organization/ person to help/ support/ guide you is:
Ms. Pooja Dogra
Senior Manager - Publications
VOICE - Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education
Office Phone: +91-11-24379078, +91-11-24379079, +91-11-24379080
Office Telefax: +91-11-24379081
For legal issues contact:
Hope this helps you all in your quest for good, fair treatment...
eMail: ajoyericlal AT gmail DOT com