WARNING "The following review from this disgruntled customer may contain spoilers/abusive language/the truth.... which is intended to tarnish the image of TATA communications..aka VSNL"
Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. Communication is commonly defined as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs".
This definition of communication is exactly what one of the most trusted brand names in the world "TATA" does not represent. The call centre team at Hyderabad does the job of taking a complaint and telling you that it should be addressed within 6 working hours or sometimes 24 hours. They "communicate" with the networks team in various cities using email and not telephone. The network team generally claim that "Hyderabad" does not know what to do or what they are doing...One engineer while visiting my premises said "Their job is to put off customers"....I would agree..they help pharmaceutical companies sell High Blood Pressure drugs through their behavior...
The Issue/Problem with TATA:
The connection does not work for a minimum period of 2 days every month (since February 2008). Numerous phone calls and follow ups are needed to get basic information regarding the fault. The standard reason given is "THE LOCAL SERVER IS DOWN??"...ok..does it walk its way back into the room after a break. (I kinda picture the appy fizz and grappo fizz advertisement). The call centre staff promise callbacks from the networks/backend team (which end does this team use?) ..rarely happens. Only calls to the nodal officer with the complaint number will help. The Hyderabad staff on many occasions refuse to give you the number while claiming not to have the number or even better..."not supposed to give to customers"
There have been occasions when I have had to call at least thrice to register a complaint. The agents refuse to transfer the call to a supervisor. They are extremely rude or over apologetic while dealing with you. Getting through to a supervisor or team leader is next to impossible. The agents are very rude, poor in their communication skills and quite the quintessential "airhead" category workers.
The contact centre team makes no effort to provide the customer with the confidence or faith that his/her issue will be resolved. They close faults claiming that the issue has been resolved and you would need to register a new complaint. Since the complaint number is new, the downtime refund will not be provided as the connection needs to be down for a minimum period of 72 hours for a downtime to be provided.
Whenever I call the team I inform them that is the same issue...they promise me that the issue will be taken care off and will "never happen again"....hell yeah...why should they care....."what goes of their fathers".... I pray and hope to god that they never land in a scenario where one needs to book a ticket to travel to need a dying person and your internet connection does down....and is in the hands of a bunch of F&%$&ing retards I wouldnt trust with a box of crayons.
When asked about the concrete steps to resolve this repeat issue, their reply is "Sir we have taken steps and we are monitoring your connection to ensure best quality service"..ok "What steps have you taken?"...reply..."Awkward silence for 5 seconds and then sir we have taken steps and we are monitoring your connection to ensure best quality service"..."HUH!!" ..wasnt that something you said before I asked my question??...but what am I saying...Im expecting quality service for Indians from Indians....."WHO THE F@#K CAME UP WITH THAT DEAL".
Would I recommend anybody to take this connection? - Only if the others are worse (In the land of the blind..the one eyed man is KING)
Update on 5 September 2010: We had requested cancellation of service and termination of account on 28 August 2010. The billing department had confirmed that this request should take 48 hours. The account is currently in the suspended mode. I called the team on 5 September 2010 to check on the same and was informed that an amount of 1067 is due to be paid as the bill for September 2010 has been generated. **The cancellation request was overlooked as the request was processed by the department only on 4 September 2010.
In event of canceling the account how is this amount credited to the customer?
*The billing team supervisor Mr. Prabhakar has told us that the amount will NOT be returned and we can forget about the amount.