I am the so called elite tataindicom wireless connection subscriber who is suffering the agony and the apathy of many subscribers who know what a measely wreck of a company tataindicom is. Folks ! I can tolerate any amount of nonsense coz basically I am from out great land of Bharath ( where people ride in elephants and still check their mails through broadband access !!) :)) But the nonsense of TATAINDICOM is so much that I have got the final push to write this.
Geez ! These sleaze balls dont even care to send me a bill for my internet usage which they said they would bundle it along with my phone bill. One morning lady sleaze from TATA INDICOM calls up and tells me crudely that I have to pay 5000 measley indian thrash for my stupid wireless internet connection !
The next day morning I realized that my phone was off the hook ! Courtesy TATAINDICOM @bunchofsleazeballs.com
If you ever would ask me why those hoardings and banners are so damn attractive .. Id tell you that they are so to attract poor and gullible people like me
Best of Luck in choosing an ISP.