Most of the reviews I find here about the Tata Indicom Broadband service are negative and show them in poor light.
But I would like to share my positive experience here. Earlier I was using the Bsnls Broadband connection. The Plan 500, 500 C and 600 rupees plan were all good. I changed to the 750 unlimited plan. I didnt know that the max I could get would be 256 kbps in the unlimited plan. They didnt say anywhere. I was getting around 20 to 25 KBPS.
It was very low to watch the videos. So I cancelled the account with Bsnl and bought the Tata Indicoms Broadband connection. It was the prepaid connection, 384 kbps unlimited for 3 months. The speed was good. I used to get 48 KBPS. It was good enough to watch videos. Now at present I renewed my account with Night Unlimted Plan. It cost 300 rupees per month.
But The night unlimited plan is for 12 hours starting from 9 pm to 9 am. The night unlimited offered by Bsnl was from 2 am to 8 am. So It was very inconvenient for me who uses the internet for the movies, songs, videos, blogs, magazines and e-books.I wont say that Im not facing any problem with Tata Indicom. Net uses to be down for some time. But When I make complaints with the customer care.
They respond very well. The problems are rectified within a day. So I think compared to the Bsnls service, Tata Indicoms Broadband service is better. Speedwise Now I can get 220 KBPS on an average. But in Bsnl I was able to get around 120 KBPS. Now Im using the pre-paid connection. My account details on the website is also transparent. I can recommend Tata indicom broadband service to everybody.With regardsVasanth