In my life, I have decided that now on I will not buy any new products launched by Tata groups. They are good at advertising the product using Ranbir Kapoor with all big promises. They dont give proper value to there customers. I have written proof(email) from customer support team about services provided by them.
And details regarding the same as goes below :
I had got disconnection for Tata Indicom connnection on Feb 2011. I was supposed to get deposit money back within 2 months as per there policy. Today is Oct 12, 2011 and I have lost complete hopes on getting the refund amount back.
I have visted Tata Connection center in Richmond road, bangalore for 20-30 times with out any satisafactory services. Whenever I give a complaint on the product, they give SR number to me and they will tell us to wait. They never resolve the issue on time.
If you guys still have any doudts, just visit the any service center and watch the complaints given by customer. You will know see that most of the customers complain about the product, time, etc.. You will understand there service within half an hour.