The network of this service provider is a mess. There are loads of times when you will be unreachable. People will have to call u 3-4 times normally to get thru to you.
Biggest problem for me has been the erroneous messages. For instance, if my cell is switched off the message will be the cell is busy on another call. Or if im actually on a call, the message will be that the cell is switched off. Its sad.
The next problem is that with customer service. The helpline number 121 invariably keeps you on hold for 10-15 mins before u get thru. The people assisting you are ill informed and know as much about mobile networks as a 15 yr old kid or probably less. Their responses are so simplistic at times that you will be forced to loose your cool.
The only positives are the website and the charges of this service provider. Tata Indicom has the lowest tarrifs in the market. The plan I have taken allows me to have free incoming while im on roaming. Indicom is the only provider who offered this facility and hence the choice. The website is very user friendly and accesible. Payment of bills online and also viewing the details etc. is very convenient.