I have opted this particular service provider because my friend have a this service provider and its parform so good , so I opted this service provider .
Tata Indicom Mobile Operator have many good plans if any one uses it I am sure that he will continue using Tata Indicom Mobile Operator.Many people dont know about the plans which Tata Indicom Mobile Operator offers they are the best and the cheapest in the sector.the only disadvajntage is about the coverage but it is very decent in town areas also we dont get recharge everywhere but in town areas thats too not a problems.the plans which vTata Indicom Mobile Operator offers they are the best and the cheapest in the sector.the only disadvantage is about the coverage but it is very decent in town areas also we dont get recharge everywhere but in town areas thats too not a problems
its billing disputes good u can easily billing its .