Hi There,
I have my own cribs about Tata Indicom service. I took a postpaid mobile connection in March 04 hoping to get cheap outgoing calls. But as it turned out, things went wrong from the 2nd month onwards.
Wanting STD, I was willing to pay the Rs. 1000/- deposit. However, the Sales Agent could not accept cheque for it (He was willing to accept cheque as Handset Downpayment, though). He said I needed to give a DD for STD deposit, and since I didnt have a DD in hand (come on, who would when hes agreed to accept cheque), he took Rs. 1000/- in cash from me (plus Rs. 50/- as DD making charges). Quick guesses that he delivered the handset, but vanished with the Rs. 1000/- STD deposit. He even called to confirm whether I had got a receipt for that deposit, well, didnt he know?!?
So when I tried making an STD call, I get a polite message that STD service is not activated. Couple of months later, and eating the bitter pill that the sales agent had made off with my money, I asked how to give fresh STD deposit. The CSR said Rs. 1000/-. I promptly sent a DD to that effect. A week later, I called to confirm, they said yes, they had the deposit, and would activate the STD in 24 hours.
48 hours later, my calls yield a surprising response! Sir, the STD deposit charges are Rs. 2000/-, you need to pay another Rs. 1000/- before I can activate STD. How convenient! (for tata indicom) I said, I had already enquired and sent on that basis, but no...I needed to be educated that additional deposit was required before activating STD.
I got my education alright, I requested that my Rs. 1000/- be sent back, as I didnt want STD at all. I sent a fax to that effect and got a confirmation to that too. But did I get back my money? Of course not!!! Next month, of course the bills come as regularly...but my money? Nope, nowhere in sight.
In between even a senior manager Mr. Snehal Shah stepped in to help me, and promptly stepped on!!! Absolutely no response at all...even when I threatened to discontinue the service! Well....its time to carry out the threat!
Im glad I took the handset on EMI, at least Ill not be saddled with bad quality service forever. This month onwards, they are getting zilch from me. NADA...nothing. Let them do what they want...
Yours truly,
Ramanand Hegde