This is to bring to your notice the poor services followed by mental harassment my wife an TATA Indicon Photon customer has been facing for the past three months.
As a good customer she has made sure that all bills were paid well in time, yet the services provided by Tata Indicom were very poor & sub standard.
If you check her records, you will see the number of times she has filed a complaint and each time the problem could not be resolved by the Executive who came over to check. Meanwhile she has suffered loss in business as this was a work connection and had to incur expenditure by having to go to cyber cafes & accessing e mail through her vodafone cell connection.
The connection speed she received (please check your log) was so slow that it took her half an hour to check a mail and reply. and was never able to send any attachments as the connection would get disconnected every 30 seconds!
She has demanded a refund for all those months of loss and suffering. Instead, Customer Care Exceutives have been calling her everyday and harassing her to pay the latest due, inspite of the fact that she has requested for a refund. They dont understand a basic logic that TATA Indicom owes her more money than the amount in the latest bill. And that needs to be resolved first.
And they have some very inefficient & clueless Executives calling her up - and simply parroting some words about the bill payment. It is hameful that no one at the Senior level has taken the initiative to resolve this matter. Instead, ill informed, junior staff is harassing her with calls everyday.
I would like to know who is answerable to this serious matter? Or should we now approach the Consumer Court? We have all the Documents/repair slips that prove that nothing was done to solve the internet poor spee/ and frequent disconnecting issue.
I even have slips where I have written that Problem not solved
There have been many executives who told me there is some issue with dual towers in Khar. However, this device has not worked in my office even in WORLI.
In fact ONE OF YOUR OWN EXECUTIVES even told me that your product- PHOTON is a complete failure- which I intend to tell all my friends about in the Media.
Hence, I have now given up on your PATHETIC SERVICES and have already subscribed to MTNL SERVICES which is 1000 times better.
Tata Indicom account number : 975052309