I never get speed more than 100 to 150 kbps and even most of the times the speed is around 50 kbps. I am using the plan of 3.2 MBPS paying 850+tax per month. This guys are cheating. While contact to the service department, one guy came and check the speed in speed test. Net site. Even though I didnt get above 200 kbps then, he was saying average speed is around 3000kbps.
From customer service I got a call saying that this is the average speed which I will get, and if it is less than that, you can complaint. What a situation man. I am sick of this connection and funny resolution they are providing
Paying for 3.2 mbps and what I will get is 300kbps.
Can someone justify this. If anyone planing for tata photon connection . stay away from it.