*The patience of mine has crossed all the limits.
The customer care sucks, they are highly abusive and no sense to speak to the customer on call.
Had to call them 4 times to get the itemized bill on my email id.
The best part that despite of asking them to send the bill on my email id, these dumb people sent it on my residential address.
Icing on the cake was after writing to listen (email support of photon), they call me and give the same explanation which has already been given to me 100 times. These people dont even try and understand what actually a customer is saying. They just know one thing and that is to yell on customers instead of resolving the query.
FINALLY, I have decided to quit with its services.
Here is an example below which I received after writing to them:
Dear Ms Khare,
We refer to your email dated 3rd Dec 2013 regarding billing issue for your Photon number 9235066187.
We regret for the inconvenience caused to you.
As per our telephonic conversation on 9560361100, we would like to inform you that your current billing plan is "Photon Plus 2GB@450 MultiCap1250 Plan Monthly Rental." So first 2GB bundle data usage will be free, additional usage till bill amount 1250 Rs will be charged @ Rs1/MB, post that data usage will free (unlimited)@ up to 10 Kbps. Your consumed data usage from 03/10/13 to 02/11/13 is 2896MB and according to this usage you have to pay Rs 794 extra charge.
The current outstanding in your account is Rs. 1042 and due date was 22th Nov 2013.
We would like to inform you that we have attached the soft copy of the bill for the month of November 2013 for your reference, kindly request you to find the same.
Thank You for surfing with Photon.
Warm Regards,
Malay Kumar Hazra.
Photon Care Team.
The users of photon plus EC156, please upgrade your dialer now from https://tatadocomo.com/photon-plus-dialer.aspx?iframe & enjoy the hassle free self care for your Photon.
Now Check Anytime ?bsp;Your Photon Bill Amount, Due Date, Last Payment, Data consumed & more.
Just connect Photon device and go to https://tata.yahoo.com
Yahoo! home page will open in a blink.
Click on My Account on the left side of the page & get a quick & easy access to your Photon Account details.
Add it to your favorites & access this information whenever you connect through Photon.
Pay Online(https://billdesk.com/pgmerc/tatadocomo/DOCOMODetails.htm)| Brand Store Location(https://tatadocomo.com/brand-stores.aspx)| Reach 24/7 Photon Customer Support at 1800-266-121(toll-free)
-Original Message-
From: vanikhare_0512@rediffmail.com
Sent: 2013-12-03 16:18:07.0
To: "listen@tatadocomo.com"
Cc: Null
Subject: Help Required for the unnecessary billing without usage~M16676470
[Note: Please dont change the subject for internal tracking purpose and immediate action.
Dear Sir,
Greetings of the day!
My photon number is 9235066187. I would like to inform you that the amount of usage depicted on my account section as well as on the bill generated on 5 November shows vague data.I have not consumed this data, as I was traveling the entire month. The data shows about 3400MB of usage.
I think that there is some issue at your end or else something has gone wrong. Nobody else uses this dongle except me. I do not know where this is being used. I just dont know why should I pay such high amount when I have not used any. Please sort my query at the earliest as I have been calling you people up so many times and the issue is yet unresolved.
I hope this will help you people resolving my query and issue, else I will have to discontinue with the dongle.
Vani Khare.