When it comes to internet connectivity in India there is not too much as compared to most countries. India has cut throat competition between the existing service providers where none is concentrating in providing a true solution to the real need.
What must exist is "a high speed connection of at least 1 mbps with unlimited data transfer and true mobility at monthly INR 500 + taxes"
I think this should be sufficient and a win win deal, in my view. I was looking for options meeting this particular need. I have a windows smart phone and I was enthusiast to have connectivity on to that in a way that I can use the same on my laptop also by browsing from laptop via handset through wifi sharing or making my handset into USB modem. I learnt that I can acheive this by getting my handset GPRS / EDGE activated. Though the speed will not be what I am looking for, but I was ready to compromise on it if the monthly rental and unlimited surfing is offered. to my disappointment no provider provides unlimited, and the ones that do provide do it for at least monthly INR 1000 a month.
There are other packages where billing is performed per MB or per KB. But then this is not what is needed. It becomes nearly impossible to keep a tap on what one downloads or surfs. Hey come on, you cant surf counting the kilobytes. When you surf you just surf. So how to keep a tap on the monthly internet budget then. After all I am a salaried person and get only so much at end of the month. If my inflows are limited I have to ensure that my outflows are all budgeted. This made me forget the idea of GPRS/EDGE.
I learnt from my relatives that, man BSNL is the best. BSNL provides some 1.5 GB download free with additional charged judisiouly and all this comes with excellent uninterrupted connectivity at INR 350 a month. I was excited. But hey, giving a second thought I need a BSNL landline for that. I have none. I am a mobile man. I dont believe in landlines and stuff. Now if I go for this option I have to pay at least INR 100 a month for the landline cost. So this makes the package for me at INR 450 a month. To add there is no mobility. I have to connect to the ADSL modem provided to me by BSNL in my room, sit there and visit the globe. This is not my cup of tea. ADSL becomes useless for me.
Now what....
I heard WiMAX is seeping. Reliance has introduced something which I was not exactly able to make out as to whether it was a WiMAX or a CDMA or 3G (no it could not be 3G yet). I did give it a try though by borrowing a friends data card as it is called. I was not impressed it. Though the speed was OK but there were many interruptions and the network seemed congested. Not to mention it was pricy, may be at INR 800 a month for unlimited surfing. I must admit that Reliance ADSL is really good, but not any of their mobile packages.
At last I went for Tata Indicom Plug 2 Surf.
Initially I went for the limited 1 hour a day package for INR 325 a day. This way I did not have to count kilo bytes which are difficult to count as compared to daily 1 hour. I also bought the data card for INR 3000. In the first month of usage I was satisfied with the quality of surfing I enjoyed. There were no interruptions at all. Speed was OK as per the speed package I had subscribed to which was 128kbps. I am getting the pages pretty fast though not the fastest. There are no interruptions and network congestion is the least whatever be the time of day, surfing experience is same throughout 24 hours. And it is a mobile service which I can use in any part of India with no add on cost. The modem being CDMA based will not suffer from network coverage issues as Tata Indicom CDMA network with roaming agreements is quite extensive. All this comes for INR 799 a month.
I am now using this since almost 6 months.
Though it is not the best, but fits my needs. Rather I must say my needs have reshaped and fit the package by this time.
Even if 3G is introduced it is anitcipated to be damn costly to be said anywhere near to affordable.