My Tata Indicom account number .
I subscribed to Tata Indicoms brand new HSIA product called Photon+. I was given a very rosy picture at the time of purchase by the sales person. No doubt that your speeds are the best, but I am absolutely unhappy with the customer care service offered by you.
First of all the number given on your site for Kolkata helpline is wrong with only 7 digits (very smart!!).So it is very difficult to get in touch with someone for as petty a thing as knowing what my plan is about or chenging my plan. I have till now wasted around 100 rupees(100 minutes) just to change my current plan of HSIA 750 to Rs.1250 Unlimited plan which was confirmed by your manager a few days back. I called someone again today and the person very politely put me on hold for 15 minutes. I gave up and disconnected the call.
Secondly, no one seems to know your products and rate plans and ask to be placed on hold every minute!!! This is pissing off!! Is this the type of service that you wish to provide to you customers.I am going to the consumer court tomorrow or post my experience on all product review websites of India if my issue is not resolved 100% ASAP. If your customer care manager really cares about your customer and future business I would be happy to hear from someone.