I have a post-paid Tata Indicom connection (9212749949) and I have been using the service for the past one-and-a-half year. I have a few complaints which I would like you to address.
Whenever, you make a call, the timing start as soon as you dial the number whereas other service providers make sure that timer start the moment the call gets connected. This is beneficial for people who want to make sure that the call doesn’t goes beyond 1 minute. In Tata Indicom one cannot know when your one minute end as the timer starts as soon as the number is dialled.
The bill send by Tata Indicom is very confusing. One needs to be a scientist to understand the billing methodology.
Under my plan the cost of my STD call is Rs 1 per minute. But what Tata Indicom does is first charge me at Rs 2.50 and then give me a discount of Rs 1.50.
Also, the same is done with services like call forwarding (CF), call waiting (CW) which are free. First charge them and then subtract them as discount.
I think it will be better, if the bill is presented in a transparent fashion.
- The customer care centre forms the most important means of communication between Tata Indicom and its customers. And if the people handling the calls are not able to handle customers request it leaves a bad impression. On 6th February I had requested for activation of an add-on by which one Tata STD number will be charged at 25 paisa. The person I spoke to (Vinod) was discourteous and he couldn’t speak any English.
I fail to understand why when I have chosen English as my language option my call are forwarded to people who can’t speak one line of simple English.
On 13th February when I called up to find out about my add-on I was informed that I have not applied for any add-on. (It was my fault that I forgot to take down my request number). I had to again request for activation the add-on.
I was told that the service would be activated within 24 hours. But even after 24 hours the service was not activated. On further enquiry, I was informed that it will take another 72 hours for the service to be activated.
Only when I complained to the nodal officer I got my service activated.