Hi, I am Ayfan.A
I really regret to go for tata indicom internet services and I would term tata indicom aas the dirtiest and the ugliest internet service provider in the world. Its just damn slow and keeps discconnecting every 10 mins for a min or so. This really sucks. I have been cheated inthe billing system. Its just 1 month I have taken the connection and it has been disconected twice due to exceeding my limit. which I totally disagree with, and I was never said about the bard system at the time of taking a new connection.
Guys who ever planning to go for TATA INDICOM, please change your minds. ITS A WARNING FOR YOUR BENEFIT
At last I would just like to term tata indicom as the FUCKIEST internet service provider in the world
Sorry for using such a bad word but TATA INDICOM deserves it
I would never never never never recommed any of my friends or relatives to use any TATA INDICOM services. TATA INDICOM YOU LOST YOUR CUSTOMER