Ive been a Tata Indicom dial-up customer for 9 years now and a Tata Broadband customer for 2 years. On December 27th 2006 my connection abruptly stopped working....I could simply not browse the internet, send e-mails nothing at all. I called up their super-crap call centre at 66110121 and they assured me that within 24 hours my issue would be resolved. No one came to my place and the connection was still shut till 12th January 2007. Finally I called up and told them that I would like to surrender my connection and not have any contact with Tata Indicom any longer.
Guess what?? The very next day an engineer comes up to my doorstep to resolve my issue. I sent the poor chap back and told him that I had already requested a surrender for my account. Today it is the 28th of January and noone has bothered to come and disconnect my cable and take back the equipment(modem and line protection device).....I myself yaked the cable out and physically threw it out of my window and shifted to Airtel who so far im extremely happy with.
Despite repeated calls Tata Indicom have still not come to roll-back their cable and claim their equipment. I call this bad customer relationship management policy. I mean.......Ive been a Tata loyalist for 9 years and this is what I get in return......sure doesnt speak volumes about Ratan Tatas foray into personal broadband services.