When I saw the AD in TV. I was thrilled. I said to myself. this is the right connection for me. I can use this at home as well as in my office. you must have seen the ad? Kajol helping out the girls to send their resume? it looks so simple. dont u think? there was no time to waste. I contacted tata indicom people. I waited for nearly 1 week.but still no response from the guys. by this time I was enquiring about the product. lucky for me( or was it?) through a friend of mine I got a connection.(used). I was happy that I didnt have to pay the Rs.2850 price tag.
The package had a CD included. Ok. so its not as easy as u see. u have to install it.fine.
That solved my first doubt. I had never seen a plug n play modem. I installed the modem and Started browsing the net. I opened explorer and typed the address.page cannot be displayed.
again I typed the address.same message. I called up some people and then came to know that you should have enough signal strength. Now I fixed my PC near to the window and atlast I got connected.but it was taking time. I thought maybe its because of peak hours. but now I realized that my dial up connection.( netone) is much faster.
This was my experience till 2 weeks back and I dont know whether tataindicom people have rectified the issue. Anyway I strongly advice anybody going for this connection to ask for a demo first. and then buy.
Happy surfing.!:)
* 14th June 2008
Hi Guys.
* My review did have some effect.! two days back the tata indicoms guys called me. Seems the Top level was unaware of the situations and now they are putting pressure. Anyway in two days time atleast 5 or 6 people visited me at my office and showed genuine interest. They are sincierly trying to solve my issue. they said it must be range problem( psst.My office is in the zero point of calicut city). and they are going to boost the tower. Lets see what happens after that.
I will be updating my review regularly. Thanks to MS.
16th*June 2008
I must admit. The Whole technical team was at my office to solve my issue. They first changed my modem and then gave me a duplicate sim and also boosted the nearest tower. and now I must say my net is working fine.
Thank You TATA INDICOM for spending your valuable time and rectifying my issue.
I once again thank MS for Helping me interact with Tataindicom People better.
This is proof enough that it is not the problem with the product and if there is any problem it can be rectified.
Happy surfing:)