Hello All,
I write this review with pain, I am sure by not going with TATA Indicom WiMax you will not have not experience what I have gone through. Just to justify my statement I have pasted the chain of mails I have sent to TATA Customer Care and their Nodal Officer. I was a Tata Indicom Walky cutomer few years ago and I dumped the connection due to the kind of oathetic cutomer care they had. Now one of TATA Indicom executive convinced me that they are better managed company now and I belived him. My night mare started the day I got the connection. I got the connection on the 4th of Dec 2008 and from the day one I had intermittent disconnect issues and from the second week onwards it would not connectliteraaly and assuming it to be temporary issue I waited till 12th of Dec and registered a complaint and well it took me more than a month for some one to look in to the issue. I got the issue resolved only on the 15th of Jan 2009, but it was not easy. it was only after more than 50 calls to customer care and some e-mail exchanges. I was happy that my concerns were addressed finally. My happiness did not last long I did not switch off my POE box for the next 2 days and on 17th Jan I switched it off and the next time i.e after an hour when I tried to connect it would not connect. I was back to square one. Again I called up CCare and logged a complaint.
I am surrendering my connection right away and advise all new customers not to go for TATA Indicom. Here below find the mails I promised intially: as you can see in one of the replies the CCexcutive clearly syays they can not promise when the issue will be fixed and that too after one month. I will have to remove some mails inbetween as I can not post mroe than 7500 charcaters in the mail.
and I for got to mention that TATA Indicom people have sent me a bill for Rs.995/- promptly even though it has worked literally for not mroe 4 days in all this one month.
From: Sali, Hemanth
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 12:04 PM
Cc:customer service
Subject: RE: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Hello, Today, I have received a SMS for the bill amount Rs.995/-! this is just great. My internet connection is not working from 12 Dec 2008 till date and I get a bill promptly. Is some one really looking at the issue I have reported other than generating bills. Regards, Hemanth
From: customer service [mailto:customerservice@tatacommunications.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 3:55 PM
To: Sali, Hemanth
Subject: FW: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Dear Mr. Hemanth, We deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you.With reference to your mail we would like to inform you that, there will be no exact time frame mentioned but it will be depended on the complaint. We assure you that your complaint will be resolved at the earliest.
From: Sali, Hemanth [mailto:hemanth.sali@hp.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 2:00 PM
To: customer service
Cc: nodalofficer.south3@vsnl.co.in
Subject: RE: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Hi Grace, PLEASE do not do a copy paste of standard mailers and try to pacify me, What I want is a solution and at a reasonable time frame,
Thanks, Hemanth
From: customer service [mailto:customerservice@tatacommunications.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 1:13 PM
To: Sali, Hemanth
Subject: FW: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Dear Mr. Hemanth, We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
We have already registered and forwarded your concern regarding connectivity with complaint number 8351458. Our team is working on priority and the needful will be done at the earliest.
Warm Regards, Grace, Customer Service, TATA Communications Internet Services Ltd.
From: Sali, Hemanth [mailto:hemanth.sali@hp.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:10 AM
To: customerservice
Cc: nodalofficer.south3
Subject: RE: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Hi Jibby, I do not understand whats happening another week passed and I am still waiting to get the problem fixed. This is high time that you REALLY DO SOMETHING , if this issue is not resolved by today evening make arrangements to refund my initial connection charges of Rs.843/- and take away your useless equipment out of my place. If you can not do any of this please let me know why I should not go to consumer forum for lack of service and the financial loss this has caused to me.
Regards, Hemanth
From: customerservice [mailto:customerservice@tatacommunications.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:43 PM
To: Sali, Hemanth
Subject: FW: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Dear Mr. Sali, We take the opportunity to apologize for the inconvenience caused to you - with regard to the various instances stated by you in your mail - hank you for your time and patience.
Jibby BenjamenCustomer Service, TATA Communications Internet Services Ltd.
From: Sali, Hemanth [mailto:hemanth.sali@hp.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 07 January, 2009 10:39 AM
To: customerservice@tatacommunications.com
Subject: [URGENT] Broad Band Connectivity issue login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net
Hi, My Name is Hemanth Sali and I got a Tata Indicom wireless broad band connection on the 4th of Dec 2008, from the day one I have been facing issues. Now after more than a month, I logged my complaint about complete non connectivity on 12th of Dec 2008, I have one call ref no which was logged recently 8351458.
Thanks & Regards, Hemanth Sali, login ID: hemanthasali@vsnl.net