1st email: April 4, 2011
2nd email: April 5, 2011 - Explaining the problem again
3rd email: FIRST REMINDER – April 11, 2011
4th email: Detailed explanation and requested confirmation – April 11, 2011
5th email: SECOND REMINDER – April 14, 2011
6th email: THIRD REMINDER – April 16, 2011
Still no email response or call from Tata Broadband. Please do not force me to go through legal and / or media.
From: Me
Sent: 14 April 2011 09:08
To: customerservice
Subject: RE: Tata Indicom Wimax Bill - Apr 2011
1st email: April 4, 2011
2nd email: April 5, 2011 - Explaining the problem again
3rd email: FIRST REMINDER – April 11, 2011
4th email: Detailed explanation and requested confirmation – April 11, 2011
5th email: SECOND REMINDER – April 14, 2011
I got the same (word-by-word) emails from you. Only one type of email stating it will take 48 hours. But Sir, it is 10 days now. Below thread will explain the issue clearly.
From: Me
Sent: 11 April 2011 21:26
To: customerservice
Subject: RE: Tata Indicom Wimax Bill - Apr 2011
I want to make it clear that the refund I am talking about is not about the deposit paid/unpaid. It is the amount paid extra for the billed amount. Please check the latest bill no. Mar/2011/2/032/00000020151 dated Mar 29. An amount of Rs. 423.60 needs to be paid to me. I paid Rs 1103 against the earlier bill of Feb 2011 generated and sent by you. I am asking for the difference in amount paid.
If you check my records, I requested for cancellation of my internet connection on Mar 26/28. But, the internet connection was disconnected on Mar 25 w/o any prior information to me and my schedule important meeting which was supposed to happen online that day was not possible as the internet connection was disconnected one day in advance.
As a good customer, I regularly paid all my bills well in time and advance. Also, though there was no security deposit, I voluntarily asked the support guys to come and take the modem and the antenna from my premises. Refer ERN no. 55042 dated Mar 25.
The support person, Augustine to whom I talked today assured me that he will get back to me in 48 hours (w/o any reminders from my side) with the solution.
If the amount is not going to be returned to me then, I need a reason as to why the extra amount is not repaid back to customers who pay the bill amounts in advance. Also, please show me if you guys have this already in writing and have agreement in place for this.
Request to resolve this issue immediately and avoid from going legally.