I applied to a TATA Wimax connection and within 24 hrs of installation I called up customer service and got it canceled specifically mentioning not to cash my Cheque of Rs 4412 to which I was told not to worry and that someone wuld come n take the equipment and that my cheque would not be cashed. Now I have no connection and am missing Rs 4412 from my account. This is called stealing as per the law that I have come to realize.So I shifted to a remote area of the city to enjoy some peace and quiet from the noisy city and to my bad luck the only provider in the area is TATA WIMAX. Hesitant but needy I call and ask for a TATA wimax connection from an outsourced sales person called Bala. While doing the joining formalities tell him, since I have already had and am still having issues with my TATA Photon+, if I do not like the connection (speed or otherwise).
I will cancel it immediately to which he said that was acceptable and he also went ahead and said that my papers including my cheque of Rs 4412 would be immediately returned. Now the joining formalities and the cheque was taken on the 15th of May 2010 and the very next day the installation techs came and found that no open ports were available and made me sign a non installation form. As the service was not installed I called the sales person who did not receive my call. The following week on the 19th I got a call asking if I would still like to install this TATA WImax to which I said that its about time lets get this done. On the 20th the service was installed and activated in my residence. Immediately on checking the speed which was supposed to be a maximum of 384 kbps was coming to be a maximum of 260 kbps which was as expected since TATA has a reputation of bad service. Immediately I asked the installation techs to give me my papers and stop the installation. The installation techs said they were here only to install and not for any other purpose. On calling the sales person Bala who had my papers and my cheque for Rs 4412 said that he cannot give my cheque and will take time as he has submitted it. On reminding him that he had stated that the papers along with my Cheque would be returned immediately he said that it is not possible. I told the sales person Bala not to produce the cheque or cash it as I will not go for the connection. The following day I called up TATA customer support and asked them to cancel the service. Was transferred to the retention queue where after many attempts to keep their customer the TATA retention queue said that my services would be canceled.
I was sure to mention that I do not give authority to TATA to use the cheque and that if it has to be used I would get a STOP order placed for that cheque to which I was told that I need not worry and that no charges would be levied as I have canceled the connection within 24 hrs of activation.
A week after I get an E Mail from my bank telling me that the cheque of Rs 4412 has been used to take money from my account. On calling the regional complaints dept of TATA given on the website Ph No . 9243199970 and spoke to a lady who eventually told me that "Sir this number is for all other service complaints except the service you are looking to make a complaint for". On asking the lady why she had no specific reasoning for such a comment she asked me to call the general customer service number and launch a complaint. On calling that number I was told by the service tech that she would make a high priority and get it taken care of. On receiving a few calls after from a specialist I was told that it would take upto 60 days to get some money back from TATA and this amount might not the total amount I have spent on nothing. TATA Indicom has clearly Stolen my funds from my account when clear notice was given to all parties involved not to cash that cheque that I had given. I have simply asked for my money back to which I am told that it would take 60 days. This of course is totally unfair but apart from being unfair it is unlawful to take money from my bank without my authorization and to say that it would take 60 days to return the funds n that too not totally. If this countries laws were more for the people then TATA would have been getting a nice fat lawsuit from my lawyers. Now the only thing I can do is to take this to the Consumer Court and hope I get a speedy recovery of my money.If anyone has had similar experiences with TATA Indicom please post your comments. Lets not let them bully us and take our money anymore.