I took a Tata wimax connection a month ago. For the first week of my connection I had to face problems regarding disconnection and connectivity problems. But then on I have had a smooth drive from there!.
Here are some tips for those who are dissatisfied with their connections. Before writing review, consult your friends abt the service.
The installation persons are very particular that NOT EVEN A CLOTH SHOULD BE IN BETWEEN THE TOWER AND YOUR RECEIVER!
Your computer is the main culprit. Check for viruses and attacks that eat up most of your speed.
Wait for the first 10 mins after you switch on the system. The modem has to synchronise.
Finally, persuade the installation person to check for signal strength of 20 and above. Otherwise, you will face problems later.
If all these things are kept in mind, I am sure YOU SHOULD GET A GOOD SERVICE as I am.
All the best.