Here is my pathetic story.i have taken tata indicom wimax connection for my cyber cafe on 16th jan 2012.i spoke clearly with the sales team that i told them i need proper speed& consistent speed.they promised and told me that "you take wimax connection then you will get consistent speed so i purchased 1.5mpbs plan .it worked well till sep 10 2012.suddenly my speed has come down to 126kpbs. I called customer care. I told them registered a complaint they said it will take max 72 hrs to solve my one has come to solve my problem .after 72 hrs they closed the complaint without informing me. By the time my business has come down no customers are coming to my cyber cafe. Daily i have 1000 rps expenses again i begged for help, literally. I called customer care they sent a technician .he checked and said that there is sign a issue in my place.and he said let me speak with my senior and i will come in morning. He said he is living in mandya so his train leaves. So i told them you come by tomorrow morning.he gave his mobile number as well as his senior mobile number .by next day morning i started calling this two technician none of them attended by call.customer care were also ignoring me 4 days passed none of them came to solved my problem.
On 9th day after begging so many times through phone and emails 2 people came and asked me what is the problem I repeated the problem to them .they checked my speed everything said everything is fine speed is good enough they talk as if i am fool to believe all their shut .i checked the speed in front of them https://speed.tata indicom it was 144 kpbs.
I wrote in their business was getting worse than ever. My regular customer also started going to different cafe. 13 days passed they failed to solve my issue.on 14day one lady called me she spoken very rudly to me like shouting .she said their is hevy usage in my area bcos of this you are facing slow browsing.i understood the problem .problem is like like this “there are more customers for wimax so therefore i face slow browsing.this was their problem they could not solve it. She said in wimax connection speed is variable. But sales team told me it’s consistent speed in wimax. Oh people whom should i believe. It has taken 13 days to give this answer.this people have no mercy this people are animals.they only needs money .they speak money eats money. I was helpless i cant do any thing.only to listen to this sort of shut that the lady told. Unbelievable .tataindicom.
I wish to go to consumer court.but again i know they will win. Its like that money speaks. Readers pls say any comment on it. So its a humble request to all the people who reads this review pls take a written statement to any service provider discribing the terms conditions.mutually sighn it. Thank you. Pls share this review to as much people yo can this is a request.
This was my speeed when i am writing this review.checked in
Download speed 66 kbps
Upload speed 78 kbps
Round trip time (avg) 1 ms
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