I bought a Tata WiMax Infinity 750 kbps plan with a static IP this August. It was installed on 17th August, 2009. AND THEY CONNED ME.
They have installed it as a dynamic IP and now when I am demanding a static IP (which is what I have bought, paid for for 4 months advance rental and the reason I bought it) their customer service is driving me mad. Completely mad. I have been waiting for 12 days and they keep saying their backend people will call me. I am going to report this to Ratan Tata.
What they do is con people. They sell packages saying you will get a static IP and then setup your connection with a dynamic IP. Since most people do not know the difference and do not bother asking, they get away with it. If you have bought a package with static IP, shouldnt you get one as per the agreement? Crap, real crap.Tata communications is hurting the Tata brand, through this kind of behaviour.