This is secon time when I am putting my comments about this car on Mouthshut Side. I bought INDIGI LX DICOR from Kamal & Co April 2007. I observed I have not bougjt a car if fact I have bought all hell broke loose. Earlier I was facing problem of Engine oil leakages, baring and fan belt breakages. Proble sitll continue. Problem had started from 1000 km running. breakages of Besaring and fan belt is due to alignment of engine caseing. We could not understand why TATA is not replaceing engines of initial lot of car manufactured by them. Tata Engineers are very well conversent with this problem and they realise that this is comman problem in DIcor model. In Tata workshop I observed ont only me lot of owners of INDIGO DICOR car are having same problem.
Freinds, franl;y we have been cheated by TAta Moters, You all prospective buyers of TATA Vehicles will appreciate
that the purchase of a Car is not a Lottery Ticket, where good luck and bad
luck can prevail. Here I have paid full market value for the vehicle and I want
a faultless vehicle.
Looking to problems faced by me, I request all prospective buyers of TATA INDIGO DICOR model, forst to verify all those problems and tike dicission. God help you if still u r dicided to buy INDIGO DICOR.