It was a very refined smooth vehicle with a single suspension sound which was rectified free of cost after the company realised it.
After one year it was still smooth but I had never got a mileage more than 12 in the city which is very sad considering the fact that it is a diesel car.
Now after one and half year I feel that the car is a bit noisy inside and also the smoothness of the engine and transmission is less.
No modifications other than the fact that the suspension problem was cleared by replacing some old longer pipe with a shorter new pipe which created the sound while on bumpy roads.
Servicing in bangalore is very bad and not satisfactory even after 3rd service. there are still panel noises and other Misc. noises even after avoiding rough roads.
Although Tata vehicles are not that good at their very first attempt, it is not an excuse to make even with the new cars which they are releasing.
The main point to buy tata vehicles should be their value for money ratio which is still unbeatable.
And being an indian I respect what tata has achieved in a very ample time compared to the major players in the market who were present from a lot before.