I have purchased recently Tata Indigo LX in Ahmedabad.
I would like to share some tips and my user experience with others intending to buy this car.
Beyond doubt this is the state of the art car and in my honest perception it gives the best value for money. Without entering into any foreign collaboration TATA?s have given us world class all indigenous car for which every Indian should feel proud.
Being a diesel car those who are in habit of driving high pickup petrol vehicle should make some adjustments in driving habits After that you will have no reason to grumble about anything.
Diesel Engines idle at low RPM. ( Revolutions Per Minute ) In Indigo LX it is at about 1000. At this RPM car can not take a starting motion. You need to raise RPM to about 2000 to get a nice start in the first gear. This is slightly different in petrol engines where RPM at which they idle are good to start the vehicle into motion.
You must press accelerator pedal little more before you release clutch. The Indigo LX version comes with RPM meter, which of great help to get adjusted.
In early morning when to start the car for the first time, let the engine idle for about 60 seconds at 1000 RPM, before you start moving it forward. This is necessary for engine warmup and lubrication of Turbo Charger.
Keep your eye on Temperature meter. When the engine is cool and not properly warmed up you will find the vehicle to be sluggish, quite characteristic of diesel vehicles. Avoid riding on higher gears at lower speeds ( which may be you habit with petrol cars ). For some time till car warms up drive mostly in 2nd and 3rd gear to get good pickup
When your accelerate above 40-50 KM per hour ( You will note engine RPM between 2000 ? 3000 ) you will feel sudden engine power coming up and car accelerating more than what you intuitively expect. This is effect of Turbo Charger coming into full action, and nothing wrong with the car.
Mostly when you drive in 4th gear at RPM of 2000-3000 you will notice the car racing at 70 ? 80 Km per hour. At this RPM and speed at least I have found great fuel economy. Even in first 300 Km total run my car is giving milage of more than 17 km per liter.
It is my feeling that this tips will help the new user get used to ride TATA Indigo and as the slogan says ? Spoil Yourself ?
Dr. Sharad Kelkar
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