I purchased an Indigo LS from Auto Industries Pvt.Ltd, Goa in June this year, after comparing the specs with Accent & Esteem. The chief attraction was its diesel engine from reputed house of Tatas with a long experience in the line as well as competetive pricing for the Luxury of a sedan. When I discussed my decision with colleagues, I was warned by them not to expect too much by way of luxury but I ignored them and went ahead without getting into detail, in fact, I even skipped the test drive.
When I went to collect the car, I found to my horror that the car was without number plates! Two papers with registration number were pasted in the front & rear. The showroom manager told me that the company does not provide extras like number plates for free when they have already given such a luxury car at such low price. I could pay for it and collect it later.
Just as I was searching for words to express my annoyance, the car keys were handed over to me. There was no Key ring! Just 2 keys and one round piece of wire to hold them together! They guy realised what I was about to ask from my face and again told me about the great deal I had got with the luxury car at such low price. Of course there were no foot mats.
I drove out in the rain and the papers fell off; luckily no cop caught me. I quarantined the car and ordered the numberplates.
As I was leaving, I was asked to halt, and very pompously, a photograph of me standing beside the vehicle was taken. I was told that I have joined an elite club of Indigo owners and soon Ill start receiving various communications, invites to functions, product updates, details about accessories etc. I am still awaiting the photo! the showroom people on enquiry have assured me that Tata Motors will send it soon. Maybe on the anniversary?