I have been using this vehicle for the last 4.5 yrs and have done about 60000 Kms. Till about a year or so back, I was very happy with the running cost. But now, this has started giving me n number of problems in the last one year. I have spent nearly 40000.00 in the last one year. This is really ridiculous especially also when the service personnels at the Service stations are ill-equipped to answer any technical query.
On top of that, they do not entertain the esteemed / regular customers in even the basic courteous manner. I have always taken my car to only authorised service stations only and have been very much regular in getting my car serviced. I really pity all those similar victims. The cost of spares is really a problem which Tata Motors should look into from a long term prospective. Otherwise, it would again be known as only fit for Taxi purpose and not comfort, space, and other features.