Ok so its almost an year since I had my first encounter with the Luxurious Tata Indigo. Ever since we bought it, it has been nothing but trouble. The electrical system is comparable to that of a cheap toy sold on the streets on Janpath or in the pits of Palika Bazaar.
In the first four months the car had been back to the garage over a dozen times. Turn the car left and the horn starts screaming on its own. Turn it to the right and the wipers magically turn on. The seat isnt all that comfortable, but then Im a huge dude so Ill just leave that out.
Id give 3 stars to the Air-Conditioning. The problems that we had with this car were just endless! There were times when the engine would just die for no good reason! And heres the killer. The car has a power-steering, so when the engine dies the steering-wheel just locks up. Youd be real lucky if you didnt have a wall in front of you.
Heres the part that made me lose it completely. When I spoke of this to one of the mechanics at the workshop (A-One Motors, Mathura Road) he said Sirji, yeh problem to Black model me hi hai. He tried to bring in the spirits and all sorts of superstitious mumbo-jumbo to convince me. And to make it worse we keep getting all sorts of snail-mail spam from TATA Motors. DO NOT BUY THIS CAR GUYS.