Hey guys, my elder brother bought this crap 3 years ago and Im damn sure this was his biggest mistake! Its better to call it a crap than a CAR! we bought it in june 2014 and there was monsoon ( obviously) and in the first week itself a problem came out and the problem was leakage no one was able to fine from where the water is coming inside the car. The service center people were blaming us that we doing a fraud by putting water by ourselves ???? and a few days later the car started to make weird noises and after some time its front-right suspension got broke dont know how. Thank God it got replaces under warranty and then after some time engine oil started leaking and the oil was all over the bonet. then they service the whole car stopped all noises. We were like at last its over. BUT it was the silence before the storm. Aaand the car started to rust hopefully all the doors and other parts were replaced. So, all I want to say is never ever ever buy this crap